Anti-virus on PC
Anti-virus on Windows PC or Not I suppose there are some instances where an anti-virus would not be necessary. If your PC never connects to the internet and if you don't download anything. Never connecting to the internet might be a tricky task as all PC's need to update. I guess I shouldn't say that either, I have a friend that never updates their computer and gets mad at the thought of it, saying, "Why does it need to update? It shouldn't have to do that!" Don't let ignorance be your enemy. I'll speak from my own experience. In my early computer days I went years without any anti-virus. My computer was very slow and I can only now imagine what it was infected with. Then I bought a new, faster computer and almost immediately encountered the 'blue screen of death'. With Malwarebytes and RKill I was able to get that computer up and running again but I always felt as if there was some remnants of that virus left behind. I installed a...