Why a Website?
Why a web site? I like to write, so for me, the answer is to publish some content. If you've got a club or organization, church group, community group or small business, you could benefit greatly from having a web site of some sort. Clubs and groups could post upcoming events or even a calendar of events, list the latest news and keep all of your members informed. The simplicity of having one central meeting place should be a no-brainer.All small businesses should definitely have a web site. I can't think of any reason why not. The beauty part of the internet is that it levels the playing field for all. The little guy has the same chance on the web as the huge corporation. The internet is by far the single biggest advertising advance in my life time and to not take advantage of it is just foolish. I live in a small town in rural America, a couple small nearby towns, lots of open areas, not many people and a lot of trees. Not much going on except for two well traveled highways. Doesn't sound too bad right? A lot of traffic should lead to local businesses right? Wrong. You could put up signs but you couldn't possibly erect enough signs to capture all of the travelers. Besides, signs are expensive and you can't just go out and build one anywhere you want. You could advertise on local radio or TV. Not too many tv's in cars and the radio is a definite hit or miss and more likely a miss. Radio and TV ads are expensive and limited, you certainly couldn't explain all of what your business offered in a 30 second radio slot. With everyone on a smart phone these days why wouldn't you want a free place to advertise all that your business has to offer, 24/7, 365 days a year, the internet is always open. The types of businesses that could benefit are specialty shops, gift and souvenir shops and restaurants to name a few.
What about other types of business. Again, I'll say give me one reason why not. This internet thing is huge folks, the world is truly at everyone's fingertips. Some people still deny or dismiss it's power, these people are idiots, the internet is not going away, it's here to stay.
OK, so maybe your worried about cost or don't know if a website is right for you and you may not want to invest into something you think may not be for you. Then let me suggest a Blogspot site built with Google's Blogger. It's free, allows unlimited pages and posts and Google hosts it for free as well.
Blogger is not the most customizable, I know that, but if I can upload my own logo and get my site up quickly I'm happy. Design is not all that important to me. When I build my own sites from a
blank white slate, I tend to focus on design so much that by the time it
comes to actually put up some content I've usually lost interest. I understand this platform is not for everyone but I think it will meet the needs of many. Some of the templates have a lot of gadget locations, this helps to bring the site to life if you use them accordingly.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if this is your first site, just get it up and try to customize as much as possible later. I know everyone wants the prettiest most elaborate site but what I'm saying is the important thing is the site itself. Look at ebay and Amazon, they do tons of business and they have relatively plain Jane sites because what matters to them is content, not flash graphics of swinging monkeys or mouse trails.
Your own .com, .net or .org would be nice but not completely necessary. A totally free site built with Blogger would suffice for many. If it's your first site or just don't want to invest in a site, Blogger could very well be the best tool for you.
Updated 1-29-2018
Your own .com, .net or .org would be nice but not completely necessary. A totally free site built with Blogger would suffice for many. If it's your first site or just don't want to invest in a site, Blogger could very well be the best tool for you.
Updated 1-29-2018